Gen. 12:Ver. 6,7. And the Canaanite was then in the land. And the Lord appeared to Abram.

The sight of those wicked Canaanites might discourage him, and unsettle his faith. But then the sight of God relieved him (he is the first man that God is said to appear to);

and the promise, “Unto thy seed will I give this land,” could not but put spirits into him, and make his good old heart to dance a lively dance { levaltoes} in his bosom.

When the poor soul even sinks sometimes at the sight of these Canaanites (corruptions), and despairs almost of a conquest, God lets in a beam of his own light, and comforts it with some cordial promise, which is as Boaz was to Naomi,

“A restorer of his life, and a nourisher of his old age”.

{#Ru 4:15}