
The John Trapp Blog

Trapp will be most valuable to men of discernment (Spurgeon). I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I say. (1Cor. 10:15)


March 2018

Let us learn to lead convincing lives; these are the best apologies when all is done

Let us learn to lead convincing lives; these are the best apologies when all is done.

This heavenly eagle

But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary. (Matthew 14: Ver. 24.)

Tossed with waves – So is the Church often therefore styled, “O thou afflicted and tossed with tempest, that hast no comfort,” #Isa 54:11.

Jesus was absent all the while: so he seemeth to be from his darlings in their desertions; he leaveth them, as it were, in the suburbs of hell, and (which is worst of all) himself will not come at them. Howbeit as the eagle when she flieth highest of all from the nest, doth evermore cast a jealous eye upon her young; so doth this heavenly eagle.

Le berger et son troupeau : peinture de Julien Dupré.


Zephaniah 2:5 Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites! the word of the LORD [is] against you; O Canaan, the land of the Philistines, I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant.

Woe to the inhabitants of the sea coast] These were the Philistines; they lay between the Jews and the sea; God having so disposed of it, that his people might not have much commerce with foreign nations, nor learn their manners. Into havens and maritime towns there is usually a conflux of vices, like as there is of waters into the sea: witness Tyre and Sidon, Corinth, Carthage, Capernaum, &c. Hence that proverb, maritimi mores; naval customs, and that censure of such people, littorales duri, horridi, immanes, latrociniis dediti, omnium denique pessimi, Those that dwell by the seaside are usually ill-conditioned, ferce, cruel, thievish, and the worst of men. These Philistines were no better, and are therefore here put under a woe, and threatened with utter destruction.

Continue reading “Palestine”

The poor are gospelized

Matthew 11:5 The poor have the gospel. Gr. are gospelized (ευαγγελιζονται): they not only receive it, but are changed by it, transformed into it.

Peace is twofold, temporis et pectoris

Matthew 10, ver. 34. Think not that I came to send peace.

Peace is twofold, temporis et pectoris, of country and of conscience.

This latter is Christ’s legacy, and the saints are sure of it. Continue reading “Peace is twofold, temporis et pectoris”

The sweat of the brow is nothing to that of the brain

Matthew 9:38: Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

The sweat of the brow is nothing to that of the brain; the former furthers health, the latter impairs it, wearying and wearing out the body: wasting the vitals, and hastening old age and untimely death:

Labores Ecclesiastici alterani corpus, et tanquam ex imis medullis succum ex hauriunt, senium mortemque accelerant.

It is not said what shall be given

Matthew 7:7 And it shall be given you.

It is not said what shall be given, because the gift is above all name, saith Austin.

Like as #Am 4:12 “Thus will I do unto thee”: thus? how?

Non nominat mala, ut omnia timeant, saith Ribera out of Jerome. No evil is named, that they may fear all.

There is in every godly man a holy bashfulness, an ingenuous modesty

Matthew 7:5 And then shalt thou see clearly.

There is in every godly man a holy bashfulness, an ingenuous modesty, that he would be foully ashamed to charge others with those crimes which he should allow in himself.

As flat as that

They shall have judgment without mercy that use no mercy in their judgings, #Jas 3:17.

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